We are the best and biggest Ayurvedic SPA for tourists in Tangalle and the surrounding area with unique Ayurvedic treatments.
Affordable prices with easy payment methods.
Every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. our spa is open.
Shirodhara eases tiredness and starts a calming process in our brain cells. It is a cleansing and reviving therapy intended to get rid of toxins and mental fatigue as well as reduce stress and any negative effects on the central nervous system. Along with this treatment, we provide an extra foot massage with pressure points for free.
Thalam is an Ayurvedic treatment in which the patient's head is covered in herbal paste and medicinal Ayurvedic oil is applied to the forehead continuously. It is a potent therapeutic treatment for issues with the nerve system and mental illnesses. Along with this treatment, we provide an extra foot massage with pressure points for free.
Swedan Karma (fomentation therapy) is one of the three preparatory procedures, which is employed before starting any of the five cleansing procedures. Swedan Karma or diaphoresis is advocated only after employing proper oleation.
Since ancient times, people have used herbal steam baths to boost their health and appearance. In this procedure, the patient will be boiled with medicinal herbs and oils while being exposed to steam and made to sweat. All the toxins, impurities, and extra fat will be removed from the body as a result.
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